We’re still on the fence with what we’re going to do this Halloween when it comes to trick or treating, but it would break my heart (and my kids’ hearts) if it was cancelled altogether. But the CDC did say that trick or treating may is considered high-risk, especially if there are big crowds.

So, what if we could have a socially-distant version of trick or treating? First there was the idea of a candy slide, which I love. It’s both a decoration and a easy way to pass out candy.

Now a mom, Wendy Reeves Winter, has suggested yet another way of doing tricking or treating, 2020s style: candy sticking.
The idea is so so so simple but totally genius. Decorate your yard with candy!
Prep is super minimal. Literally, all you have to do is attach candy to sticks. Then put those sticks into the ground.

Voila! As she said, it’s “safe, socially distanced, and still fun for the kids and the adults.”

The kids can still get dressed up and do their trick or treating. And parents can hang out on their porch and wave.
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to get creative with the way we do things, and candy sticking is a great way to keep Halloween alive this year.