The experiment: How many pictures would a 4 and 6 year old take if a 4 and 6 year old could take pictures without limitation?

The lab: Our house then grandma/grandpa’s house
Expected time frame: 8 hours
The equipment: Each boy was issued (via Santa Claus) a Fisher Price digital camera loaded with batteries and a 128
mb card
The results: The boys were very willing
participants. Reid(4) logged in a laudable 221 pictures while Ryan(6) produced a whopping 362 photographs. I don’t want to be critical, I will let you judge for yourself, the above “self portrait” was by far the best shot taken yesterday out of 583 shots that are now sitting on my hard-drive.
What a cool picture. Seriously. My kids love taking pictures, too. If someone loves me enough to get me that Rebel XTi I have on my Christmas list, I’m passing my old craptastic camera down to my oldest son. I love that I’m leaving such an awesome legacy.
Oh…I wnat to see the rest of the pictures. Well, maybe not ALL of them, but at least some of them!
We got Dave one of those camera’s last year. He loves it…