Keeping kids busy while we nap, work or just unwind can be a bit of a challenge especially when you have kids of different ages, into different activities. However, one thing I’ve found as a mom of 3 is that all kids (including my husband) love to get their hands dirty and have some fun while doing it. That’s where ooey, gooey activities like this Glitter Playdough comes into play, literally. Another fun activity idea is our Snow Cone Slime that really looks like a snow cone (just be sure not to eat it!)

Glitter Playdough

Here’s what you need to create the Glitter Playdough: How to make Glitter Playdough: Open up the baby diapers (cut a slit in the front of the diaper) and pour out the little balls that are inside, into a bowl. Keep in mind you might need to shake the little balls out of the cotton-like material. They are tiny but just wait until you add the water! Next, add the water into the bowl to hydrate the balls and you will notice a sticky, crystal-like substance. Now, add the glitter, food coloring and cornstarch and mix well. I’ve found mixing with your hands is a bit easier. Now you’re done and you’ll have cool, gooey dough made from diaper absorbent beads. Cool, right?!


Our book, 101 Kids Activities that are the Ooey, Gooey-est Ever! features tons of fun slimes, doughs and moldables just like this one to provide hours of ooey, gooey fun! Awesome, right? You can also check out more slime recipes here.

Check out this whole list of 20 Sparkly Crafts for kids!

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