Have a printer? That’s all you’ll need to make these lovely learning cards. Mom, Jo, created them to help her kids learn the differences between living and non-living things. These are great for discussing the differences between different animals too!
Here is a link to the images. Jo has created 28 different cards for our kids to learn with! We suggest printing them with cardstock and then laminating them with packing tape – they’ll be more durable that way!
Learning activities you can do with the cards:
- Have your child sort the living from the non-living.
- Separate the mammals from the insects from the plants.
- Take the cards and separate the ones that move. Discuss how some things move but are not alive (car) while other things do not move (tree) but are alive.
- Theorize about how each living thing gets nutrition, compare and contrast the animals mouths.
- Sort the items by size. Which items are the biggest, which are the smallest?
- Make a mini-group and ask your child to look at the cards. Have them close their eyes and remove a card. Which living or non-living thing was removed?
Thanks Jo for granting us permission to feature your cards.
Here is a link to all of her card sets, her
family blog, and her
Etsy store where she makes and creates many Montessori-based learning aids.
This activity is part of our Animal Learning Series. For more click the link:

What a great idea. Looks like I will be printing tomorrow!
These cards are great. I used to use something like this as a lesson when I was a Kindergarten Teacher. If you are on a budget, pictures from a magazine work great too!