In a relentless way, Monday has returned. Potluck are on Mondays badge You can say one thing about Monday – sure is persistent.
And now for the feature without a button or a name, but we are calling it: Fashion tips from Rhett: It is shocking, but I don’t have pictures of the following scenario… Rhett has been a little obsessed with a certain set of Mario Pajamas – only alternating them with the shirt of one other pj set which sports a large monkey in combo with the Mario bottoms – I am sure it is a subject that will be covered in more depth in future Nirvana articles – ANYWAY, his latest has been to pair this pajama set (or mis-set) with his life vest from the lake. I don’t let him sleep in the life jacket because I am a super mean mommy, but the first thing he does after he gets up is to add the vest to his very planned out ensemble. I will work on getting a picture…

Let's find out who is the Peep of the Week! Peep of the Week button In response to the last potluck which was DIY –
I just got in from a 12-hour drive – how do you think my coccyx is doing?   Sorry. I get sassy when I’m hungry. DIY potluck? The nerve.
Congratulations Em in Pursuit.   You are Peep of the Week – and I am hoping you are feeling a little better and quite frankly, I was a little frightened NOT to award it to you. And now for a little story
Snakes, snakes and more snakes A few months ago we went to the zoo and the boys brought home snakes.   Not the real kind, but the very large…VERY LARGE…stuffed animal kind.   Ryan had seen the snakes on a previous zoo trip and had been saving his money to purchase one of the large prizes.   Reid was talked into buying a smaller, more affordable one to keep Ryan’s company. I have never seen a real Anaconda, but let me suggest that Ryan’s snake is life size and thankfully lime green and fuzzy.   Reid’s is a rattle snake which appears to me to also be life sized and thankfully blue and fuzzy.   Rhett bought an elephant. God bless Rhett. Even though the snakes are cute and fuzzy they still freak me out.   They lay on the playroom floor, across the couch or next to a sleeping boy in a very snake-like way. *ewwwwww* No amount of cartoon coloration and furry exterior can camouflage their snakey-ness. I have never been a snake fan, but in recent years I have been able to choke back a shriek of terror when we see one at the zoo, animal park or in the backyard. Yes, I said the backyard. God bless me. Just this evening as I was sitting at my computer answering emails I glanced out back to see a lovely greenish garden snake seeking dinner. It was life sized and not so fuzzy.
Holly presents her ¦ Free Advice to the World *applause* Today's advice is for a local restaurant that recently opened and has really really delicious food but I can’t go back if they don’t clean up their bathrooms, dining room and kitchen… WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?   YOU JUST OPENED.   HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU LET IT GET LIKE THIS IN SUCH A SHORT TIME?   I WOULDN’T CARE, BUT YOUR HAMBURGERS AND FRIES WERE HEAVENLY.   SO CLEAN UP ASAP!   WOULD IT KILL YOU TO GET OUT A WASHCLOTH AND WIPE DOWN A TABLE? What is in Holly's Fruit Bowl One lonely banana.
June Cleaver Nirvana Approved
I want to mention a few more favorites today ¦
A very funny case of TMI from Not that You Asked – be warned I am not kidding about the TMI. How to Clean Your Carpet from Meg at A Mom Two Boys, but it isn’t at A Mom Two Boys it is at Aiming Low ‘cuz she is all confusingly fancy like that. To be filed in the “Oh my” category courtesy of @angiedled aka Gumbo Writer who found this one – NYT – Love in 2-D The Internet song from Rhett and Link which just makes me laugh… And this one is courtesy of Blog-Stedman who can’t watch this short commercial without ROFL (literally, it is a mess)
A little thought for your Monday
I hope all snakes encountered today are life sized and fuzzy ¦

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  1. I’ve read 2 or 3 of your articles and wanted to to say I enjoy your style and the stuff you share here. Have a nice one 😉

  2. OMG, that commercial almost made me pee my pants laughing. Does that make me a dork? Ah well, what can ya do?

  3. very yummy potluck! 😉 thanks!
    not to be all come-read-my-bloggy but I did a collection of funniest things on the internet (LOVE the Digg Me Tweet Me thing- LOL!) so mosey over if yo get a chance.

  4. Ack. Snakes. Yesterday we were at a one-room schoolhouse checking out the slates and McGuffy readers when I peered into a lovely old display case along the back wall. “Pick me up,” demanded my 3 year old daughter. “I want to see.” I picked her up. “What is it?” she asked. “It’s a lot of very old books,” I said, and started to explain them to her. “Oh,” she interrupted, clearly disappointed. “I thought it was a snake.” True story. Snakes. Apparently kids can’t get enough of ’em.