Invisalign Teen ® brand spokesperson and all opinions expressed are my own.
I once read a book called Happiness is a Choice. I don’t remember much about the book, but the title has been with me the years since reminding me that I am in control over how happy I feel in most situations.
In many respects science agrees. There are proven ways to increase happiness. But more importantly, I have found that these things work in my own life.
Gratitude. Counting blessings not only gives you perspective, but can remind you of happier moments. Dwelling on the good vs. the present can alter sadness quickly. A gratitude journal can be a big help to prompt these thoughts of gratitude.
Smile. Yep, smile! Even if you don’t feel like it. It is crazy how a forced smile can quickly turn into a real one. Your face has muscle memory – a habit – that associates those muscle movements with being happy. It can really change your level of happiness!
I was really self-conscious of my smile before Invisalign ® treatment. treatment. One of my front teeth was starting to cross over the other. I am sure it wasn’t anything most people noticed, but it bothered me. It bothered me to the point of being careful WHEN I smiled. That is not a good plan for happiness!
I have worn Invisalign clear aligners to improve my smile and can't even believe the results! What I love most is that the technology has become so advanced that they're able to treat more complex cases, so it's definitely worth getting a consultation if it's something you ™ve considered for your teen. I ™m really excited for my son to follow in my footsteps and I can't wait to see the end-result for him too!
Sunshine & Fresh Air. I have found that being inside is one of the biggest reasons I don’t feel happy. Just stepping out to admire the scenery or taking a walk to the mailbox will turn that around.
Deep Breaths. This is something I do throughout the day. I consciously stop what I am doing and breathe deeply all the way into the bottom of my stomach. Hold the air there for a count of 5 or so and then slowly let it out. Repeat multiple times. The increased oxygen to my brain just makes me feel happy!
Exercise. This one is counter-intuitive at first. I am not an exercise-lover, but as little as 7 minutes of vigorous exercise can elevate your mood! It is so funny, but I often enter the gym in a grumpy funk and just a few minutes into my workout, I am smiling. So, you are just 7 minutes away from feeling better.
Kids Activities Blog is excited to be working with the maker's of Invisalign Teen clear aligners again this year. Holly Homer is an Invisalign Teen brand spokesperson and thrilled to be talking about her Invisalign treatment experience as well as starting a new Invisalign Teen clear aligners journey with one of her boys. All opinions expressed are her own. Full disclosure.
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