Everything we do on Kids Activities Blog is unique and filled with fun.
If you want your product or service to be promoted in that way, then you have come to the right place.
Here is a little about us*:
Number of Visits {Sessions}: 6,133,817
Unique Visitors: 4,464,824
Number of Page Views: 8,699,966
Average pages/visit: 1.42 pages
@4KidsActivities (Twitter) has 16,000 followers
Our Facebook page has 1,067,102 likes.
Tumblr – 4,500
Holly’s Instagram {@Texasholly} – 9,100
Holly’s Studio {Holly Homer} – 331,000
Our G+ page has been circled by 43,457 people
Rachel and Holly combined have 90,000 followers on G+
Rachel and Holly combined have 175,685 followers on Pinterest
Kids Activities Blog YouTube Channel – 786 subscribers
Kids Activities Blog sends daily email updates to 11,850 daily subscribers, 11,425 weekly subscribers.
*All traffic stats are pulled from Google Analytics and cover the previous 30 days updated on 11/19/2014
We have banner, sponsored post and project opportunities. We only take on advertisers who we can fully endorse since that is what our readers expect from us.
Need more information?
Please email: texholly at gmail.com