Sponsor the Kids Activities Newsletter

Over a quarter of a million moms receive the Kids Activities newsletter each day filled with easy things to do with the kids TODAY that don’t require set up, expensive equipment or crafting or cooking skills.

About the Kids Activities Blog Newsletter

  • 277K readers
  • 25% open rate
  • Sent daily so the fun never ends

What Our Readers are Saying

I absolutely love your emails!  Yours is one of the few I always open.  It is so full of, well, EVERYTHING!  I am excited each time I see a new mailing from you.  Thank you for all your hard work it is really appreciated by this grandma, and many others I am sure.  Thanks,


Sponsor Guidelines

Kids Activities Blog is about encouraging kids and families to have fun and make memories.

Every child. Every family.

We work with brands that align with our mission to spread a message of play.

Get Started

My newsletter is a part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

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