Easy Spider Halloween Window Clings Craft for Kids

Puffy Paint, Dimensional Paint in Squeeze Bottles (white, red & black) Non-stick surface like non-stick cookie sheet, plastic wrap or wax paper Window, mirror or vase to decorate Googly eyes (optional)


Using the white puffy paint, draw directly onto the non-stick surface to create the spider web and long string that the spider will hang from.

Step 1

Make spiders. Check out the instructional video by following the link!

Step 2

Let the spider and web dry fully before adding the spider detail. For a black widow spider like ours, draw a red hourglass shape on the body.

Step 3

Once everything has dried, gently peel spiders from nonstick surface and place on glass, vase or mirror. They will pull off easily so you can re-position when needed. If you want to save them for next year, you can store on wax paper or plastic wrap.

Step 4

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