Our dad is our dad, no mater if he spawned us or raised us. He’s the man we look up to when we need support. He’s the shoulder we cry on when boys are mean. He’s the voice who tells us our worth – and we believe him, because he’s our dad. Dads have a way of making their daughters feel like the world and we girls have a way of making dads feel like they are the universe. This amazing daughter was raised by an amazing man, someone who didn’t spawn her but still sat with her through every heartache, and bad dad joke, and lecture about how short her shorts should be. He’s her dad…and for his birthday, she wanted him to know just how very true that is. Take a look! This year for Christmas, my niece asked my brother to adopt her. He’s not her birth-father, but he’s definitely her dad. And he couldn’t have been happier for the ask. Because that’s all dads want…is to be there for their girls…in which ever way we’ll have them.

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