We all remember Microsoft Paint, right? In elementary school we’d add snow to all of our pictures with the spray paint feature, or we’d draw mustaches on pictures of our brothers because we could. No? Just me? Yeah, I totally drew mustaches on pictures of my brothers. And I drew houses. And doodles. And then I filled in the doodles with the paint can. And if I was feeling especially artistic I could add words to a picture. You get the drift. For most of us Microsoft Paint was a gateway to Photoshop or something of the ilk, but never a truly artistic platform. Apparently this person did not get the memo. I have no idea how they managed a painting this intricate, but I am blown away. Take a look!
Just goes to show, even though Christmas is over and Santa is gone, the magic still lingers. I think it’s especially cool that it’s a picture of Santa, too. This person could have painted anyone (I’m convinced of that, after seeing this), but they chose the jolly elf himself. And I’m blown away. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with the world!