It’s hard to find anything cuter than bald-headed toddlers with big ol’ chubby cheeks. Or, it used to be. These tiny tots decided to up their cuteness game by eating tiny little marshmallows. Now, that would be cute enough, but that’s not all! They got the marshmallows themselves, and one of them is Definitely more up on the marshmallow eating game than the other! But before you worry about tiny little versions of Chubby Bunny being played, you should know that their daddy is there beside them the entire time. Seriously, watch the little one in the striped shirt tap on the plate like, “C’mon, hurry it up dad!” and try not to giggle! Take a look!
“That’s too many marshmallows!” dad exclaims over and over again, though you can totally tell he’s getting a kick out of it. And before you worry that he’s a rookie dad making a rookie parenting mistake by letting his babies dig in, you should know that these are kids #9 and #10, out of 10. So keep feeding those babies, dad, and keep us laughing, ’cause I can’t imagine how you would ever be able to resist a grin like that!
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