Parents make a lot of sacrifices for their kids. When I was little, my father knew he needed to make more money to take care of our family, so he became a job shopper (someone who travels for work) and left home to work as an engineer in another state. We followed about six months later, but that time apart was so incredibly difficult on my father, my mother, and our entire family. Parents do what they have to do to take care of their children. They give up that last serving of food so their littles don’t go hungry. They sell their family heirlooms to make sure rent gets paid. They sacrifice their own comfort to make sure their children get a good night’s sleep and are able to wake up rested the next day. This father is no stranger to sacrifice. 20 years ago he sold his beloved car to take care of his family, with no doubt in his mind it was the right thing to do. That’s what makes what happens next so incredible. Take a look! There are no words to describe the emotion as this dad sees what his children did for him. When he’s looking at the car and describing the mirror, the seats, even the muffler, there is no doubt that his sacrifice was well worth it, and that this particular reward was very deserved.

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