There are times in life where it would be easier (and completely understood) if we just walked away. And there are people who will never feel that way. That’s why this video is so important. According to a news report, the man in the video was wearing a three-piece suit and on his way to a business meeting with the mayor of Orrilia, ON when he saw a skunk with a can caught on his head. The man believes the can isn’t litter or garbage, but rather was a drippings can that the skunk became curious about. So with camera in hand (to use as an explanation for why he smelled like skunk if he did manage to get sprayed), this man went about trying to save this skunk’s life…take a look! Seeing things like this restores my faith in humanity. With all the negative things we’re bombarded with day in and day out, sometimes it’s just perfect to see a man taking his time rescuing a wild animal for no reason other than it needed to be done. THIS is my feel good video of the day.

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