Babies and dogs go paw and hand, but there always has to be adult supervision. That’s a given. Still, it’s amazing to see how well these two creatures get along. Especially in the case of this husky and this tiny baby. She’s only seven-months-old, the baby that is, and this husky seems to recognize that. Even as the baby is playing in and around the dog’s toys, the dog is gentle. And when baby totally invades the pup’s personal space, well, take a look!
Like I said, there always has to be adult supervision when it comes to babies playing with dogs, but it truly warms my heart to see something as amazing as this. It isn’t that this dog is acting extraordinary – a lot of dogs are great with kids – but it still makes me smile every time I see it in action. This truly is a moment they’ll be glad they recorded as this little one grows older.