Animal videos never cease to make me smile and giggle. This one is no exception. When this little porcupine is given a piece of corn, he immediately starts chowing down. But then when the human tries to take it back, something unexpected happens. Make sure your sound is turned on at the 0:43 second mark so you can hear what he’s saying! Your kids are going to need to see this one! Take a look! Meet ‘Teddy Bear’, the world famous talking porcupine. Yes, he really does sound like this. Truth is, all porcupines make similar sounds, but Teddy is more vocal than most. He’s from Zooniversity, a wildlife protection facility in Dallas. When his handler, Allison Blankenship put the video online, she didn’t hear what others were hearing. All she heard were normal porcupine noises, but people swore he was talking. I swear he is, too, and it’s absolutely adorable. I can’t wait to see more Teddy videos!

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