This man built a breakfast machine in his home. Each morning he wakes up and turns on the machine and soon has: toast, soft boiled eggs, tea and coffee hot and ready for his wife to eat. Sound familiar? It’s right out of the movie Wallace And Grommet. Only, for Peter Browne and his co-conspirator Mervyn Huggett, a movie version wasn’t enough. They wanted the real, very strange, very Rube Goldbergesque machine…and they spent a thousand hours making it come to life! Take a look!
I’ve always had a fascination with Rube Goldberg machines, but I have to admit – this one takes my breath away. I love, most of all, that they made it for their wives. These men truly are amazing and at 65+ each they are showing the world that it’s never too late for a super fun idea to come to life.