Welcome to The Nirvana’s first movie presentation.

Please take a seat.

Have a big bucket of popcorn,

some peanut M&Ms,

and an extra-large Dr. Pepper.

Please silence all cell phones and pagers.

The previews are over.

Our featured presentation* is about to begin…
*the sound may not be THX, but is important to the film’s plot** development.
**plot may be a slight*** exaggeration.
***the word “slight” may be understating it.****
****oh, stop already! The film is only 1 minute and 19 seconds long for goodness sake.

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  1. That was brilliant!

    But I must agree with a couple of previous commenters – looks like it would take way too much coordination for this here person to master. Give me a sail boat, a good book, a hat, some sunblock and I’m all set!

    Found you through…oh crud, I can’t remember how I got here. But I am. And I plan on coming back!

  2. OK… is it totally wrong that after watching that video, knowing that if I could get the thing to move at all I’d look like a deranged bunny, but I STILL want one of those REALLY badly?

  3. Oh, my god. thank you for that fabulous laugh. I needed that.
    where can I get one of those–it looks like a great workout (if you can ever actually get it to work!)