WAHHH. WAHHH. Sniffle, sniffle, slurp. WAHHH. You know when WAHHH the WAHHH phone WAHHH rings and WAHHH Sniffle, sniffle, slurp WAHHH it is WAHHHH someone WAHHHH you need WAHHHH to WAHHHH tell WAHHHH something WAHHHH sniffle, sniffle, slurp WAHHHH but you WAHHHH can’t get WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHHH it sniffle, sniffle, slurp out WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHHH not WAHHHH even WAHHHHH sniffle, slurp, sniffle one WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHH word WAHHHH WAHHHH over sniffle, sniffle WAHHHH the WAHHHH WAHHHH crying, WAHHHHH sniffle, slurp, sniffle, WAHHHH not WAHHHH even during WAHHHH WAHHHH the WAHHHHH WAHHHHHH baby’s WAHHHHH noisy WAHHHHHH inhales? WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHHH yep WAHHHHH WAHHHH that WAHHHHH is WAHHHHHH WAHHHHH WAHHHHH how my WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHHH sniffle, sniffle, slurp WAHHH morning WAHHHHH WAHHHH is WAHHHHH WAHHHH going WAHHHHH WAHHHHHH sniffle, sniffle, slurp WAHHHHH How WAHHHHH WAHHHH are WAHHH WAHHH you? WAHHHHH WAHHHHH sniffle Thanks WAHHHHHHH WAHHHHH for WAHHHHHH stopping WAHHHH WAHHHHH by. Sniffle, sniffle….

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  1. heheheheh do you know that even when they grow up to be taller than you… they still need to tell you something really important the minute you are on the phone.. lol

    cheers kim

  2. Good thing I kept that super secret mommy decoder ring that I found in my last box of cracker jacks…I am pleased to report that it works!

  3. Oh, boy. This was *SNIFF* HILARIOUS!!! I don’t know how you do it. Apparently, with an awesome sense of humor. Mine just ate, slept, chewed on stuff, relieved himself (a record number of diapers today), RINSE, REPEAT. Yup. Not as exciting as your morning.

  4. I kind of feel that way right now. I’m feeling stuck. I’m worried about not finding a job. I’m feeling lost…

    Thanks for crying for me…seriously, I am sending you big hugs!