One of the hardest parts of being stuck-at-home is the sedentary lifestyle–something I am not used to. I miss my pilates classes! Exercise and fresh air during quarantine are so important!

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Exercise and Fresh Air During Quarantine
Holly Homer, of Kids Activities Blog, going for a socially distanced walk during quarantine.

Why is Fresh Air and Exercise so Important When You Are Stuck at Home? 

One of the things that has kept me sane…until today…is a nearly daily walk on our local trails with neighbors (at a safe distance).

The trails are through a lovely wooded area that surrounds the lake. They weave in and out of several creek beds. It is all so beautiful and unexpected in central Dallas-Fort Worth. When you are out hiking, you feel like you are in the middle of no-where!

Today there was three of us walking. Susan was in front because she walks faster than everyone else.

I was in the back.

We were laughing and telling stories until Susan started screaming and jumping VERY high in the air.

Last time Susan screamed on a walk, she saw several worms.

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Exercise and Fresh Air During Quarantine
Big, scary snake.

Nope, Nope, Nope!

Today it was a snake laying on the edge of the narrow trail which I saw immediately when I looked forward.

{This is where I started screaming too}

I suggested turning around and never returning to this area of the woods for as long as we all should live.

Susan and Micah decided that we could “move” the snake by throwing rocks and sticks.

This is where I re-suggested turning around and never returning to this area of the woods for as long as we all should live.

I am not a fan of snake-rage.

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Exercise and Fresh Air During Quarantine
Scared woman, afraid of snake outside.

–>The first rock was lodged and fell right next to the snake. No movement.
–>The first stick was thrown and hit the snake mid-snakiness. No movement.
–>A much larger stick was heaved at the snake and it S.L.O.W.L.Y. slithered across the path and into the woods. I watched it like a hawk as it kept slithering further and further off the trail.

And then the three of us RAN down the trail with speed never seen on that trail before.

My heart rate is still elevated HOURS later.

I guess my question is if a walk where a snake is encountered might burn more calories than a regular snake-free walk…

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Exercise and Fresh Air During Quarantine
Mother and child making cut-out paper hearts during quarantine.

Fun Things to Do While You’re Stuck at Home 

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