Writing in my stuck-at-home journal this week has brought on so much nostalgia during quarantine!

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Nostalgia During Quarantine

Quarantine Leads to Nostalgic Thinking and Writing

I have been a little mushy lately.

OK, let’s make it sound fancy and call it “nostalgic”.

Partially it is because my boys are all now teenagers and they are haven’t been following me around asking tons of questions and ignoring the whole concept of “personal space”.

Partially it is because I have a few extra minutes in my day…

When I think back to some of my favorite memories, they are usually simple moments where something sweet or funny happened.

We spend most of our life in those kinda in-between, thow-away minutes…

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Nostalgia During Quarantine
Happy family staring up at the stars, spending quality time together.

…the minutes of waiting, on-the-way-to, preparing-for, and in-anticipation-of something.

Those are the minutes that are our gift right now.

Those rushed, inconsequential and often forgotten minutes have been handed to us at home surrounded by the ones we love wrapped in the bow of boredom.

It makes my heart happy to think that those bored-together, simple moments can turn into a new set of memories.

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Nostalgia During Quarantine
Adorable black and white french bulldog taking a quarantine nap.

Panda is going to need dog psycho-therapy when the quarantine is over…

Stuck-at-Home Journal: Nostalgia During Quarantine
Cute kids decorating their window with a rainbow to cheer people up during the pandemic.

Fun Things to Do While Your Stuck at Home

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