- Go on a nature hike and identify non-living things, living things and signs of life (ex: dirt, ants and an ant hill or water, leaves and broken twig, etc.)
- Get a bag of topsoil and bury items in it
- Find rocks ¦ paint rocks
- Do a soil analysis. Find out how much sand, pebbles, clay, silt and soil is in your “dirt”.
- Bury food for a week in your yard. Dig it up and see what happened to it
- Make garden stones out of plaster/concrete
- Sculpt a cup or box out of clay
- Make dirt pudding. Have fun burying candy bugs into the dirt.
- Draw a design on paper with glue then pour sand over it
- Pick-up garbage in a park, along a quiet street or on a trail
- Make a terrarium (mini-world in a bottle). See: http://colchu.com/2009/03/03/little-other-worlds/ for inspiration.
Welcome to Kids Activities!
My name is Holly Homer & I am the Dallas mom of three boys…