  1. Wash the car together, talk about water evaporating.
  2. Fill a tub with water and count cupfuls dumping the water into another tub
  3. Experiment with how much water a towel holds. See if you can find which dishtowel is the most absorbent (a scale is handy for this).
  4. Make a shaky bottle (oil and colored water, seal the bottle. Shake and watch)
  5. Drop items into a cup and watch what happens do they sink or float?
  6. Stomp in a puddle
  7. Go pretend swimming in your bathtub with swimsuits and floaties
  8. Make water prints. Fill a pan with water. Dip your feet in it then run on a sunny sidewalk and watch what the water evaporate.
  9. Paint with water and watch the evaporation rate. Variation: Paint with lemon water watch it evaporate, heat it and see the paint “re-appear.”
  10. Play with sponges, experiment with water retention.
  11. Learn about emulsion, flotation and absorption while making a mess with this art project.

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