Dogs are amazing. They give us comfort when we’re down. Stay close when we’re scared. Forgive us when we get mad. They are incredible creatures and we do not deserve them. Sometimes, though, they are also incredibly destructive. My dogs have definitely gone through their fair share of destructive phases and thankfully seem to have grown out of it (for the most part). The dogs in this video? Not so much. Each and every one of them has made a complete and utter mess. And the best thing about dogs is even when you’re trying to scold them, they make it difficult. Not a single one of them wants to accept the blame for what they’ve done. Take a look!
My favorite? Probably the dog at the very end. Not only does that one not want to take blame, but it is completely and utterly happy to pass blame off to its puppy sibling. So hilarious! Like I said, we don’t deserve dogs, but sometimes their chaos is exactly what we need!
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