I’ve always said, “If you can train a dog, you can train a kid.” But this mom took things to the next level. As she’s teaching her dog to ‘roll over’ for treats, her toddler jumps in on the action, wanting treats of her own. Not one to waste an opportunity, mom quickly tries to convince her two-year-old to follow the same commands as the pooch, all while the pooch shows her exactly what to do. Take a look! I’m thinking this could start a whole new class of toddler training courses. I mean, if ‘roll over’ works, why couldn’t ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘go to bed’, ‘don’t put that in your nose’? Still, toddlers are way less predictable than dogs so I’m guessing while this pup will always be happy to roll over for treats, eventually the toddler will want more. Time to invest in stickers, maybe? Whatever it takes, this is truly an adorable pair to watch. And I’m guessing they’ll be doing a lot of tricks together as they grow up!

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