This is such a priceless moment! An 11-month old toddler rocks his 5-month old baby cousin back and forth in his chair. At first, the little guy seems to be enjoying it and is soaking every moment of relaxation in. His cousin continues to rock him back and forth in the chair, enjoying every moment of it and finally feeling like ”the big guy”, but something seems to change in his little cousin’s face. From the looks of it, it seems his older cousin got too excited and scared him! He’s going to need some nice baby toys to help calm him down! Of course he didn’t mean it! His face reaction is priceless as his baby cousin starts to cry. He is surprised that this is happening and doesn’t know what to do. The look of shock on his face is hilarious! His eyes get very big and he looks very afraid! From what we can tell, that wasn’t his first “oopsie” face! He cares so much about his baby cousin and just wants him to be happy. He clearly loves him very much. That’s a great bond they are forming! These little guys are going to be the best of friends when they grow up. Take a look!

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