A grandmother of four has solved her street’s speeding problems by holding out a hair dryer to oncoming drivers. Speeding vigilante Jean Brooks, 67, claims she has stopped dangerous driving outside her home by pretending her hairdryer is a radar gun. Jean’s neighbors claim they have noticed a remarkable difference in the speed of the traffic outside their homes since she started holding hairdryer over her garden fence. Jean said: “The problem with the traffic was that it was mental, kids with what I like to call sewing machines on wheels or quad bikes and mothers were driving at around 50 or 60 mph because they were late to school.” Take a look!
We’re all in a hurry from time to time, but when there’s even the smallest chance there might be kids out playing, we should treat every street as if that’s the street our kids live on. And as for this granny? I think her plan was ingenious and I’ll definitely keep it in mind next time too many cars are speeding down MY street.