Some dogs are a little more…derpy…than others. Know when you were in middle school and someone wanted to fight, but neither of you knew how so you just kept telling the other to, “C’mon, let’s fight!” until one of your friends finally pulled you away? Yeah, that’s totally these dogs. Who knows why they decided to defend this wall… Maybe some of the dogs live in that house? Maybe some of the other dogs live on that street? Who knows what the deal is. But whatever it is, both sets of dogs have decided to defend the wall with their lives…or, at least, pretend like they are. Take a look!
What brave pooches! I mean, sure they could have walked around the wall at literally any moment, but while they were on the other side of it they were definitely the bravest dogs who ever lived. Like, middle school brave. And yes, so very, very derpy.
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