When we plan for our newborn, we stock up in little things: tiny diapers, itsy bitsy socks, cute little outfits. No one expects to give birth to a baby the size of a toddler. Yet, that’s exactly what happened to this southern Indiana mom! When she went into labor in May, she knew she was having a big baby, but she had no idea just how big he would be. At a little over 16 pounds, Waylon tips the scales as the biggest baby ever born in his hospital, and in fact he’s the size of a 6-7 month old baby! Take a look!

This kiddo reminds me of the giant on The Princess Bride. He’s so big, but still just a little guy at heart. I hope baby and mama are healthy and doing well now that everyone’s at home. Also, Waylon, I hope you realize you’re going to have to give your mom the best Mother’s Day presents ever for the rest of your life. I mean, there’s no way to live down being a 16 pound newborn…

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