To a kid, the adult world must be so confusing. For one, everyone’s taller than you. And they’re all the boss of you. Seriously think about how many people get to tell kids what to do, and they literally don’t get to tell Anyone what to do. It’s rough. For another thing, there are so many rules! Learning the billion rules that make up being human has Got to be hard work. That’s probably why kids get so crabby. I’d be crabby, too. But, the most confusing thing? Finding out everything in the adult world isn’t what it seems. These kids learn that first hand when they come into contact with mannequins at the mall. Take a look! The little girl who thought the mannequin was her dad was the cutest! Yes, she’s crying, but eventually she’s going to figure out that dad’s head doesn’t come off for storage purposes. Speaking of which, that kid where the arm popped off the mannequin? Yeah, that kid’s gonna need some therapy. Too cute!

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