Some of the hardest to explain injuries in my life happened when my daughter was little. When she loved, she loved hard. HARD. So sometimes it was a head-butt as she tried to hug me. Or that open-mouthed kiss…but after she got teeth. Sometimes she’d get so excited that she’s squeeze my cheeks with her tiny little baby hands and leave tiny little baby bruises. Thing was, even though my eyes would water and sometimes I’d have to see the doctor (like when I thought she broke my nose), I never doubted she loved me. Just like this little boy never has to doubt how this little girl feels for him. Yes, it’s a bit terrifying, and there’s a good chance she might never let him up for air after she lands that kiss, but boy does she love him! Take a look!
I don’t know if that little baby boy was prepared for the level of love that little baby girl just gave him, but BOY HOWDY did he get it but good! Yeah, babies love hard. Sometimes painfully so.
Welcome to Kids Activities!
My name is Holly Homer & I am the Dallas mom of three boys…