Babies are so fun. They’re warm and fuzzy and poop a lot and everything is brand new to them. Having a baby is literally like watching yourself grow from a seed to a fully developed human…or, at least that’s what it’s like for me. Every time I see my kiddo’s learn something new I think about what it must have been like for me to learn it, or what it must have been like for my mom and dad to watch me learn it. And there are the normal things that we think about, like walking, talking, demanding a cheese-only pizza…but there are other things that kids learn that we don’t think about as much. Like this little girl, for instance. Who knows why dad does what he does, but for some reason dad decided to scare her. And apparently it was the first time she was ever scared. Her ‘reaction’ is hilarious. Take a look!

It’s like her little baby brain doesn’t know how to react so she freezes. She’s trying to process what just happened and she’s like, “I’ve got nothing.” Too cute. Hopefully daddy won’t keep saying ‘boo’, but I sure am glad they caught it on video that first time!

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Oh bless, this scared little girl is terrified of her shadow!

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