My daughter wasn’t the biggest fan of her little brother for a very long time. Sure, at first she was excited to have a baby, but after a couple of weeks she realized he wasn’t going anywhere and that all the attention that used to be focused on just her was now split. I loved having two children, but my daughter…she was not a fan. She didn’t do anything too horrible, thankfully, but there were definitely a few times I wondered if she was ever going to accept him. I think the worst was the time she tried to give him away at the grocery store. Thankfully she had no takers. Also, thankfully, she didn’t have ready access to markers like the little girl in this video. Take a look! I think the funniest part of this video (funny because I’m not the mom) is the fact that the little girl really does seem pretty unrepentant. It’s like she knows she did wrong, but she did it to her brother…and she’s fine with that. Ah, sibling rivalry…

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