Williams syndrome. It’s something you may never have heard of, but for families living with it there is a strange symptom that will make you smile. Unlike Down syndrome, where a child is born with one too many chromosomes, in Williams syndrome a child is born missing the seventh chromosome. For Lauren, the little girl in this video that means her life is a little more complicated but also almost magical. Some of the stereotypical signs of Williams Syndrome include an almost elfen-like appearance, short stature, facial changes, intellectual disability, and surprisingly, an overt friendliness. Take a look! Yes we all want our children to be born with every advantage, but it would be hard to argue that someone like Lauren is somehow less. Her happy nature is incredible and truly a gift to all she encounters. Williams is something Lauren will have her entire life, but even though it is rare, she is certainly not alone. This syndrome affect 1 in every 7,500 – 20,000 children born and with more awareness of the disorder, those who live with it may someday live long, full lives. Thank you to Lauren’s family for sharing her story with the world!

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