We want our kids to grow up to be good people, but often times it’s our kids who remind us what it means to be a good person. Watching a little one hug a stranger because ‘they needed a hug’ or seeing the way babies will smile at absolutely everyone is something we should all take not of. All of us to be more like children. Especially like this little girl. While out dining with her dad, Ella saw a homeless man sitting outside their window. Ella and her dad had been eating dinner together during one of his twice a week visits and when she asked if she could take her food to the man, of course her dad said yes. Take a look! The man is grateful, but you can tell from the look on Ella’s face that she’s the truly happy one. Because giving to others makes us happy. Like I said, we need to be more like kids. Children show compassion where adults forget and know how happy it makes us to give, imagine how much happier our world would be if we all gave a little more?

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