Puppies are unquestionably cute pretty much no matter what they do. Even when they’re getting into trouble, they’re stinkin’ adorable. When my youngest dog was a puppy, one of his favorite things to do was take all of the socks out of my daughter’s sock drawer and put them in his toy chest. It’s like it was his way of saying, “See? These are for me!” So adorable. And when puppies are interfering with our normal every day to day lives, but in a way that’s just full of ‘aww’, all we can do is smile. Like this little guy. While ‘mama’ is trying to do her exercises, this pupper has decided to ‘help’ by climbing on top of her and adding a little extra weight. And kisses. Lots of puppy kisses. Take a look! Honestly, if my gym came with workout puppies, I’d be there every day. I think someone should market this and make it a THING!

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