If you’re lucky, you’ve had at least one chance to do something truly good for another person in your life. Something unplanned. Something that was not in any way for you, or with the intention of getting anything out of it. I say lucky because you know exactly what it feels like to make someone’s day and have the reward be just knowing what you did for another person. That’s exactly how Richard, a vice principal in Albany, NY felt when he bought a cart full of groceries for the woman behind him in line at the grocery store. Richard had gone in to buy a watermelon for tailgating, and the woman let him step in front of her in line. What happened next was a picture taken by a stranger and sent around the globe. Take a look!
Ever modest, Richard knows that he did this because it felt good, not because he ever expected to get anything from it. And now, his good deed will hopefully inspire others to do the same. Truly, a chance for the world to step forward and commit random acts of kindness for one another.