When you see your soul mate you just know. My brother met his soul mate when he was seventeen years old. He and his friends went to Waffle House to study before a big test the next day and she was there, working. They didn’t talk much that night, but he came home and told my entire family that he’d just met the woman he was going to marry. It was silly, and funny, and we definitely thought he was a bit bonkers, but he went back every single night to see here again. And again. And again. Eventually they did start talking. And he’d sit with her while she took her breaks. He started driving her back and forth to work. I don’t know how my brother knew she was the one, but almost twenty years later, she’s still the one. That’s what this makes me think of. Take a look!, Love is patient, and kind, and in the case of this video love is unconditional. Once she lets him hear her song, his response makes me well up and believe in true love all over again. Such an incredible story!

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