Watching a loved one grow older is both wonderful and sometimes heartbreaking. Especially if that loved one has an incurable illness. Every moment with them is a blessing and truly cherished. But what if those moments aren’t remembered? For people whose relatives have alzheimer’s, the memories they shared over the years often fade or are replaced by blankness and pain in the loss. Watching a parent move from caretaker to cared for to helpless is one of the most painful things a person can endure. This man has alzheimer’s, but his son noticed something amazing: when they sing together in the car, his father returned to the man he once was. The transformation is actually really amazing to watch. Take a look! It’s that smile that’s so amazing. The two singing together and the father telling his son to take over in parts. That smile, as if he’s commanding a crowd and the pure happiness at singing a song they’ve obviously sung together for years. His memories might be slipping, but as long as they have music, they’ll always have a way to be together.

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